Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kayaking for Everyone!

On Wednesday evening, every third week of July for oh, maybe the last 10 years or more, Friends Fitness Company gets together with Morgans Canoe Livery and has a quiet float down a 3 mile stretch of the Little Miami River in southwest Ohio. Here you see current friends, past friends, and hopefully future friends of FFC. (and Mom and Dad of course) For some, it's their first experience cautiously commanding their own watercraft through gentle ripples of Class I water. For others who are familiar with the stream, it's layed back, socially stimulating and entertaining. Then there are those like me, seeking out the turtles having there final few moments of sunbathing on the rocks, catching the blue heron take flight startling everyone with their screech as THEY are startled out of their early evening feasting.

Typically in July, the drier weather has allowed the river levels to push us through the three miles stretch in about an hour. Anticipation sets in as our destination holds the best potluck dinner I personally ever have during the year. With a group consisting of more than a few "foodies", the wines are paired correctly with the food, and everyone brings out the best they have to offer. It's my very favorite Wednesday evening of the whole year. Hopefully, this annual tradition will continue for many years to come. Upon my demise from this earth, If I am remembered for anything, may it be "an organizer of Friends to share little pleasures."

1 comment:

winedeb said...

Hey Kim! I found you! What a nice blog! I do believe it will help your business. I truely miss those kayak trips. Maybe someday I will be able to join you all again. Keep up the great work!
Miss ya!