For those who have created muscular imbalance (aches and pains) with childbearing, child rearing, work related physical stress or injury, sports related injury and or obesity........
My passion is fitness! Even as I've passed the age of 50, my passion is still working to create healthy strong and lean bodies at any age! My experience as a fitness trainer is 28 years and running! More importantly, my life experience as a Mom, desk jockey, multi tasker and a runner/jogger/1980's style aerobic instructor, has handed down a variety of bodily aches and pains that most often occurred with no warning, taking me by complete surprise! In retrospect, I realize the things I was doing wrong and have learned a lot about creating better muscular balance to help you feel great and stay in the game! Muscular strength and balance will allow you to continue living life to the fullest without pain holding you back. You want to play, walk without tiring, run if you need to or want to and not tire while playing with the kids or grand kids.
Important factors in Optimal Physical Well-Being:
1.Pinpoint the physical stressors and correct them.
2. Do this with isolated and specific muscle training and flexibility work.
3. consider protection of joints above all.
4. Regain strength in weakened areas.
5. Nutrition is everything. Food marketing sabotages our eating strategies.
***********IMPORTANT***************CONSIDER THIS******
If you are YOUNG and want to stay on your game! If you are a little OLDER and want to get your game back! This may sound simplistic, but life sneaks up on you and so does aging. Let me show you how you can beat the aging process......young or old.
Personal Training for Pain and Injury .....Packages start at $50